Sublime Text

Alexander Lenail | Tufts Computer Science Exchange

Editors Matter

Sublime Text

Why should you use it?

  1. It's beautiful
  2. A strong developer base
  3. An easy learning curve
  4. Built in shortcuts
  5. Optimizes for extensibility

Table of Contents

  1. Installation
  2. Configuration
  3. Features




The Legendary ...

... the amazing ...

... the incredible ...

Control D


Alt Shift ...


  1. control n
  2. control w
  3. control shift t
  4. control PageUp/PageDown

Find and Replace

  1. Control F
  2. Control H
  3. Control Shift F

Command Palette

Control Shift P


  1. Line - Control G
  2. File - Control P
  3. html - Control ;
  4. symbol - Control R

Sublime Ninja Training

  1. Move Lines - Control Shift ↑ and ↓
  2. Duplicate Line - Control Shift D
  3. Select Line - Control L
  4. Delete Line - Control X

"Once you have mastered this, you will have achieved the first step to Nirvana"

Last Notes

Always more sublime to be explored


  • Teddy Cleveland for showing me Sublime
  • John Skinner for making Sublime
  • Hakim El Hattab for Reveal.js